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Why you need to carry out a cybersecurity audit

Cyber Security Audit

Cyberattacks aren’t slowing down, and they’re putting the brakes on digital transformation for organisations of all sizes. Advanced phishing attacks using artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content, ransomware targeting small to medium-sized businesses, and state-sponsored attacks aimed at critical infrastructure are becoming increasingly common and sophisticated. The rise of cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) devices…

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How to protect your business from ransomware

Ransomware Protection

Ransomware threats, which encrypt critical data and demand ransom, are intensifying and severely disrupting business operations. In Australia, 73 per cent of businesses have fallen victim to cyberattacks in the past five years[1]. And, as ransomware threats escalate, so do their tactics. This includes the emergence of double extortion ransomware, where cybercriminals, in addition to…

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Why your employees are key to combatting phishing attacks

Make employees your first line of defence against Phishing attacks

Cybersecurity has become a critical concern for businesses worldwide, and one of the most prevalent threats organisations face is phishing attacks. These deceptive emails aim to trick individuals into divulging sensitive information or downloading malicious software. While robust technical solutions, such as those provided by Techwell, play a significant role in combating such threats, a…

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Why a single point of contact is critical for your cybersecurity solution

Cybersecurity providers

New attacks are constantly being released into the wild and wreaking havoc on businesses of all sizes. Every day, there’s a headline about a new cyberattack, a sophisticated malware strain, or a massive data breach. With this relentless onslaught of threats, how businesses approach cybersecurity becomes critical. However, to beef up their defences, many businesses…

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