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Why you need to carry out a cybersecurity audit

Cyber Security Audit

Cyberattacks aren’t slowing down, and they’re putting the brakes on digital transformation for organisations of all sizes. Advanced phishing attacks using artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content, ransomware targeting small to medium-sized businesses, and state-sponsored attacks aimed at critical infrastructure are becoming increasingly common and sophisticated. The rise of cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) devices…

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Techwell achieves CyberGRX Essential Eight Maturity Level Three validation

CyberGRX Essential Eight

At Techwell, we prioritise cybersecurity and are excited to announce that we’ve achieved CyberGRX Essential Eight Maturity Level Three validation. The process involved a thorough assessment of our controls to ensure they meet the highest standards, resulting in stronger defences that give our clients peace of mind. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) created the…

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Can your business afford to ignore disaster recovery?

Disaster Recovery

How well would your business cope with an unexpected disaster? If your business—like so many others—depends on IT systems for everyday operations, you are vulnerable to a range of disruptions, from cyberattacks to natural disasters. Businesses that rely on digital processes must prepare for potential disruptions, which can range from data breaches to complete system…

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Why offsite data backup is crucial for business resilience

Offsite Data Backup

Data drives decisions, strategies, and, ultimately, the success of businesses across all sectors. However, the digital world is full of risks. From cyberattacks and technical failures to natural disasters, there’s a lot that can go wrong and jeopardise the integrity and availability of your critical business data. For example, a technical glitch in a hospital’s…

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The importance of managed endpoint detection and response (EDR)

Managed Endpoint Detection and Security

As the digital world grows, so do the threats within it. Because of this, traditional antivirus solutions have transformed into sophisticated endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems. EDR solutions, including platforms like Check Point Harmony Endpoint, provide an enhanced level of protection against a broad spectrum of cyber threats through the use of advanced technologies.…

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How to protect your business from ransomware

Ransomware Protection

Ransomware threats, which encrypt critical data and demand ransom, are intensifying and severely disrupting business operations. In Australia, 73 per cent of businesses have fallen victim to cyberattacks in the past five years[1]. And, as ransomware threats escalate, so do their tactics. This includes the emergence of double extortion ransomware, where cybercriminals, in addition to…

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What does an effective baseline security model look like (and why do you need one)?

A baseline security model, aligned with business objectives and operational needs, is an invaluable set of standards for your organisation. It helps you understand your security posture, identify security gaps, and meet cybersecurity regulations, all while instilling confidence among stakeholders and customers about your organisation’s commitment to cybersecurity. Without this model, your organisation is significantly…

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Supply chain attacks are inevitable, so here’s how businesses can prepare for them

For many businesses, 2023 could be considered the ‘year of the supply chain attack.’ These increasingly sophisticated and complex threats exploit vulnerabilities in various components of supply chains, including software, hardware, and third-party services. The breadth of these attacks is vast, affecting businesses globally and leading to consequences which range from data breaches to operational…

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Why is Mobile Security Important & How To Protect Yourself


Mobile devices have become an important part of our lives. We use them to stay connected with friends and family, check the news, and shop for the latest trends. With so much personal information stored on our phones, it’s important to take steps to protect ourselves from mobile security threats. In this blog post, we…

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