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Our Blogs

Cost of Downtime

What is the cost of downtime to your business?

Imagine this: a threat actor has infiltrated your systems, compromising your data and forcing you to shut down for a while. Your team scrambles to contain the breach, but the damage grows with every minute that passes. Customers can’t access your services, transactions halt, and your once-busy office becomes eerily quiet. This is a nightmare…

EOFY Considerations

Preparing for EOFY 2024: Key considerations for Organisations

The end of the financial year (EOFY) is approaching, and your business needs to stay informed about critical updates and opportunities that can impact your operations and financial standing significantly. Two crucial issues that deserve your attention are the imminent closure of the 3G network and the instant asset write-off incentive. Both need quick action…

Cyber Security Audit

Why you need to carry out a cybersecurity audit

Cyberattacks aren’t slowing down, and they’re putting the brakes on digital transformation for organisations of all sizes. Advanced phishing attacks using artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content, ransomware targeting small to medium-sized businesses, and state-sponsored attacks aimed at critical infrastructure are becoming increasingly common and sophisticated. The rise of cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) devices…

CyberGRX Essential Eight

Techwell achieves CyberGRX Essential Eight Maturity Level Three validation

At Techwell, we prioritise cybersecurity and are excited to announce that we’ve achieved CyberGRX Essential Eight Maturity Level Three validation. The process involved a thorough assessment of our controls to ensure they meet the highest standards, resulting in stronger defences that give our clients peace of mind. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) created the…

Device Lifecycle

Why sustainable device lifecycle management is the first step in smart e-waste management

We live in a world where technology is at the heart of everything we do, from firing off a quick email to orchestrating entire virtual conferences. This makes devices such as smartphones and laptops essential, but they don’t last forever. As these devices reach the end of their useful life, they contribute to a growing…

Disaster Recovery

Can your business afford to ignore disaster recovery?

How well would your business cope with an unexpected disaster? If your business—like so many others—depends on IT systems for everyday operations, you are vulnerable to a range of disruptions, from cyberattacks to natural disasters. Businesses that rely on digital processes must prepare for potential disruptions, which can range from data breaches to complete system…

Offsite Data Backup

Why offsite data backup is crucial for business resilience

Data drives decisions, strategies, and, ultimately, the success of businesses across all sectors. However, the digital world is full of risks. From cyberattacks and technical failures to natural disasters, there’s a lot that can go wrong and jeopardise the integrity and availability of your critical business data. For example, a technical glitch in a hospital’s…

Managed Endpoint Detection and Security

The importance of managed endpoint detection and response (EDR)

As the digital world grows, so do the threats within it. Because of this, traditional antivirus solutions have transformed into sophisticated endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems. EDR solutions, including platforms like Check Point Harmony Endpoint, provide an enhanced level of protection against a broad spectrum of cyber threats through the use of advanced technologies….

Why you Need Checkpoint

Why your business needs Check Point Harmony for endpoint and cloud security

Why risk your business’s security when you can protect it easily against endpoint and cloud security threats? Ransomware, phishing, and malware attacks pose a serious threat to your remote or hybrid workforce and the integrity of your email communications. But what if there was a solution that could anticipate these threats and actively protect your…

Microsoft Copilot Readiness Checklist

Checklist: Leverage the most powerful productivity tool with our Microsoft Copilot readiness checklist

Microsoft Copilot is transforming workplace productivity through advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and seamlessly integrating with popular Microsoft 365 applications to streamline workflows and enhance efficiency. However, to leverage the benefits of Microsoft Copilot, it’s crucial to establish a robust IT foundation to ensure your employees can’t access confidential information through Copilot’s powerful query capabilities,…

Microsoft Copilot

What does Microsoft Copilot do and how can it help your business?

Microsoft Copilot is an innovative artificial intelligence (AI)-powered tool integrated into the Microsoft 365 suite and designed to significantly enhance productivity and creativity across various applications, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Teams. Copilot turns natural language into a powerful interface for accomplishing tasks more efficiently and creatively by leveraging the capabilities of large…

Wearable Safety

Why wearable devices enhance workplace safety in hazardous environments

Businesses are always looking for new ways to keep their employees safe, especially those working in dangerous settings. Wearable devices, part of the Wearable Internet of Things (WIoT), are revolutionising how businesses approach occupational health and safety. These devices range from smartwatches to exoskeletons and provide real-time monitoring of workers’ vital signs, movements, and environmental…

Ransomware Protection

How to protect your business from ransomware

Ransomware threats, which encrypt critical data and demand ransom, are intensifying and severely disrupting business operations. In Australia, 73 per cent of businesses have fallen victim to cyberattacks in the past five years[1]. And, as ransomware threats escalate, so do their tactics. This includes the emergence of double extortion ransomware, where cybercriminals, in addition to…

What does an effective baseline security model look like (and why do you need one)?

A baseline security model, aligned with business objectives and operational needs, is an invaluable set of standards for your organisation. It helps you understand your security posture, identify security gaps, and meet cybersecurity regulations, all while instilling confidence among stakeholders and customers about your organisation’s commitment to cybersecurity. Without this model, your organisation is significantly…

Supply chain attacks are inevitable, so here’s how businesses can prepare for them

For many businesses, 2023 could be considered the ‘year of the supply chain attack.’ These increasingly sophisticated and complex threats exploit vulnerabilities in various components of supply chains, including software, hardware, and third-party services. The breadth of these attacks is vast, affecting businesses globally and leading to consequences which range from data breaches to operational…

7 steps for successful cloud migration

Seven steps for a successful cloud migration

Cloud migration, the process of transferring a company’s digital assets, services, databases, IT resources, and applications to the cloud, offers numerous benefits but is not without challenges. Businesses gravitate towards cloud migration for its potential to optimise costs, improve scalability and flexibility, and drive innovation and resilience. Diverse pricing models make it accessible for various…

Why CIOs are turning to MSPs

The role of CIOs in modern business operations and why they’re turning to MSPs for help

The role of the chief information officer (CIOs) in modern business operations has significantly evolved since its inception nearly 40 years ago. OrigiPreview Changes (opens in a new tab)nally focused on cost-effective management of IT systems, CIOs now play a crucial role in driving business transformation and strategy. Modern CIOs need a blend of personal…

Make employees your first line of defence against Phishing attacks

Why your employees are key to combatting phishing attacks

Cybersecurity has become a critical concern for businesses worldwide, and one of the most prevalent threats organisations face is phishing attacks. These deceptive emails aim to trick individuals into divulging sensitive information or downloading malicious software. While robust technical solutions, such as those provided by Techwell, play a significant role in combating such threats, a…

Cybersecurity providers

Why a single point of contact is critical for your cybersecurity solution

New attacks are constantly being released into the wild and wreaking havoc on businesses of all sizes. Every day, there’s a headline about a new cyberattack, a sophisticated malware strain, or a massive data breach. With this relentless onslaught of threats, how businesses approach cybersecurity becomes critical. However, to beef up their defences, many businesses…

A sustainable and secure approach to end-of-life device management

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and a timely reminder of how important security is in our digital world. From accessing emails to conducting virtual meetings, mobile devices have transformed the way enterprises operate. However, the lifespan of these devices is limited, so we need to be sure they’re safely and responsibly handled during the disposal…

Is your MSP right for you?

Run this checklist when you’re looking for your IT provider

As businesses scale and adapt to technological advancements, the decision to partner with a managed service provider (MSP) is an investment in your company’s future. An MSP serves as an extension of your internal team, providing key IT capabilities from cloud management to cybersecurity. As you evaluate potential MSPs, it’s critical to keep your business…

Managed IT

Why are managed IT services essential for your business?

Effective IT services are vital for businesses today, especially with the rise of remote and hybrid working. You need to make sure that your organisation has the right support in place, regardless of the scale of your business. Many companies opt to manage their IT services provision internally but sometimes this isn’t possible and sometimes…


Why is Mobile Security Important & How To Protect Yourself

Mobile devices have become an important part of our lives. We use them to stay connected with friends and family, check the news, and shop for the latest trends. With so much personal information stored on our phones, it’s important to take steps to protect ourselves from mobile security threats. In this blog post, we…

A Cyber Security

How Often Do You Need a Cybersecurity Audit?

Every year, cyber fraud costs Australian businesses $33 billion dollars. And that’s only the self-reported losses – losses that are unreported could be double this amount. It’s hard to say what is the true cost to the business owner. Leaked customer details, hijacking of websites, stealing client payment information, lack of trust in your business…


PSTN & ISDN: What Are The Differences?

Difference Between PSTN & ISDN Much like any other form of technology, telecommunication networks have evolved and developed over time to meet new demands, requirements and functionalities. From basic analogue technology to modern-day video conferencing and messaging, phones have changed rapidly over the past few decades in Australia. We’ve covered all you need to know…

microsoft teams calling

Westpac Switches from Phone Systems to Microsoft Teams Calling

Westpac has become the first bank in Australia to replace their PABX and dedicated VoIP systems with Microsoft Teams Calling. Over 5000 branch office staff have been provided with iPhones in addition to the Microsoft Teams Calling application. The deployment was completed in August 2021 and fully operational across Westpac’s 840 branches. Westpac are Australia’s…

person on computer hacking into a business

How To Prepare for Ransomware Attacks: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself

In 2020, there was a successful ransomware attack every eight minutes. The threat of a ransomware attack is growing more prodigious everyday, and we need to be alert and proactive to protect ourselves from more high-impact attacks. So what questions should you be asking, and what steps can be taken to mitigate the impact of…

scam text message on phone

Scam Text Messages: What Are They & How to Stop Them

Why you’re being inundated with so many scam messages? Australia is rife with conversation about the inundation of scam text messages we have all experienced recently; but why is it happening, and what you can do about it? Some scam text messages are easy to spot, with terrible typos and spelling or obviously fake website…

call spoofing

Call Spoofing: How Scammers are Using Fake Phone Numbers to Scam You

There has been a huge increase in ‘Call-Spoofing’ Australia wide in the last few months, but what is it? Why is it happening and what should you do if you receive one? What is Call-Spoofing? ‘Call spoofing’, is the latest weapon used by cyber criminals to encourage people to accept a call. Put simply, Call-Spoofing…

laptop on bench attempting to hack a website

Types of Hackers & How They Attack You

There are so many types of hacks and hackers that it can sometimes feel impossible to keep up, but who are the main culprits and what are they up to?   Black Hat Hackers Black hat hackers are known as the ‘bad hackers’; they are motivated by money but often, they just do it for…

facebook error message

Facebook Outage: Technology is Fundamental to the Operation of Most Businesses

The Event Panic struck billions of people on Monday as Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram all went down at the same time. One thing became very clear, very quickly – the world really relies on these services and the technology industry in general. In a matter of minutes, Facebook had completely disappeared from the internet and…

hacker at computer

7 Reasons Why Hackers Hack & How to Prevent It

Why Do Hackers Hack? By the end of 2025, there will be more than 75 billion devices connected to the internet, and every single one of them will be vulnerable to hackers. In 2019 an average of 4,800 websites were compromised each month and we can expect this number to continue to rise; but what…


The Impact of the Work Environment Due to COVID-19

It’s no secret that COVID-19 has changed so many things, for so many people, in such a small amount of time. Here in Australia, it has exponentially changed the way we work, how we work and where we work. This has come as a shock to some businesses who were unprepared for employees to have…


Cybersecurity in 2021 & Beyond

Cybersecurity issues have become an increasing day-to-day struggle for businesses, worldwide. Based on recent trends and the side effects of a global pandemic; recent cybersecurity statistics have revealed a huge increase in hacked and breached data from sources that are common in the workplace, such as mobile and Internet of things (IoT) devices. In addition…


Why Should I Upgrade to Microsoft 365 Business Grade Email?

We’ve had a number of customers calling our Techwell Business Technology Advisors this week asking about the upgrading to Microsoft 365 Business Grade email.   Email is still one of the most common business apps to communicate and connect with customers, so it is vitally important to make sure you are using the right email…

techwell technician helping employee

Five Reasons Why You Should Use a Managed Service Provider

Managed services is the outsourcing of the day-to-day management of a company’s IT, but why should you use a Managed Services Provider? These days it’s imperative to stay on top of the constant changes in IT, from high performance demands to the pressure to deliver competitive IT functionality – IT systems are expected to meet high…


What is a Managed Service Provider?

‘Managed Service’ is a term that is rapidly becoming more prominent in the technology industry, but what does it actually mean? Put simply, a managed service provider (MSP) is a third-party company that remotely manages IT infrastructure and end-user systems on behalf of your business.   What is involved in being a Managed Service Provider? A good…

team brainstorming

5 ways Microsoft 365 E5 can keep your business secure

Whilst there is a growing understanding within business owners that staying up to date with the latest technology, software and hardware, can increase the productivity and efficiency of your business, there is still much to learn about protecting your business from cyber attacks.  According to a study conducted by the University of Maryland, a cyberattack…

Stock Techwell smile

We love making our customers smile

$15k Government Cash Boost Grant!!! Are you looking to implement new innovations in your business this year, but you don’t have the funds? Maybe you are looking to introduce automated services or your website needs and overhaul.  If this is you, we have great news; The Government has a new program that provides eligible businesses…


5 things to consider before you relocate your office

5 things to consider before you relocate your office Relocating to a new office presents an exciting chance to enhance your small business. An office with new infrastructure and capabilities can boost employee productivity and business efficiency and minimise your move-in and set-up costs. It can also create an opportunity to leverage new technologies. Every…


Are you prepared for the next cyberattack?

There has never been a time when companies and organisations have been more at risk of having their data made public or stolen then through a cyberattack. Prevention is the key to defending against cybercrimes. Using the right technology, the majority of attacks, even the most advanced ones, can be prevented without disrupting the normal…


Why an IT and telecommunications audit should be a small business priority

IT and telecommunications auditing is a business priority that is often overlooked by small businesses. It might not seem like a necessity for already time-poor organisations, however reviewing past bills and current operational procedures ensures you are being billed at competitive prices. Also, cost analysis, service optimisation and account and project management support have enormous…


Tips and tricks to maintain a positive environment

We, as humans, are social animals. All of our daily activities revolve around other people, be it at work, with friends and family, your partner and / or kids. Unfortunately, the current environment has changed these activities completely. We are being forced to work from home, social distance from people and to self-isolate and for many of us…


Why choose the NEC SL2100 phone system for your business

As a small business, it can often be hard to know what technology is best for your business. At Techwell we have installed and service over 5000 phone systems for local small businesses. With many years in the industry, we’ve seen a common trend and that is small businesses need a phone system that is…


What are the major impacts of the NBN for my business?

What are the major impacts of the NBN for my business? Since the introduction of the nbn™ to the Australian business and consumer markets, there has been mixed reports on the service. Over time we have seen a steady increase in the performance of the network. But a big factor is being prepared or preparing…


What types of video can I create for my business?

What types of video can I create for my business?   Video is a marketing powerhouse for businesses because it supercharges your ability to increase your visibility in search engines, as well as your conversion rate of website visitors. But being comfortable with the need to incorporate video into your marketing strategy is one thing,…


Why aren’t you advertising through Video?

Top 5 Reasons why video is a good investment for small business   By 2019, 80% of internet consumption will be video content. If this isn’t enough reason as to why you should be utilising video in your business, whether promoting a product or service, educational or training style content, take a look at some…


Avoiding interruptions to your business when switching to nbn™

The National Broadband Network (nbn™) is well and truly, providing businesses with access to faster and more reliable internet connections. As fast, reliable internet continues to be vital for business operations, it’s critical that organisations are prepared. Here’s everything you need to know to avoid interruption to your business when switching to the nbn™.


Choosing the right nbn™ plan and speed for your business

You probably already know the nbn™  is your ticket to fast, reliable internet, but did you know there are different plans and speeds you can choose from? Inevitably, no matter how you operate, nbn™ will be an essential change to the way you do business. But with four different speeds and plans to choose from, you really do…


Customer retention is a critical growth strategy for small businesses

Growth strategy is a significant concern of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), with the ability to remain competitive, retain and attract customers at the front of mind. However, challenges to stay competitive and grow arise when considering the costs and time restraints that SMEs are all too familiar with.


Office communications: phone systems, video conferencing solutions and more

There’s no doubt technology changes at a rapid rate, and there are an ever-changing plethora of office communications technologies available. So much so it can be a jungle when it comes to determining which solutions are vital for the evolution of a business and which solutions can be left on the novelty shelf. However, with…


Poor internet connection? NBN could be your saviour

Poor internet connection can be a showstopper when it comes to business functionality, but it doesn’t stop there. The utility of modern homes can also be significantly hindered by unreliable connections. With several factors influencing your internet experience, it’s vital to ensure you’ve ticked all the boxes so you can make the most of your…


Why it’s important to optimise your website for mobile

Even the most adaptable and tech-savvy people can quickly fall behind the curve in the tech world, especially when it comes to mobiles. However, as a small business owner it’s your responsibility to keep on the ball so your company doesn’t fall behind. You might have heard about optimising your website for mobile, but what…


Not all internet service providers are created equal

With our ever-growing reliance on internet connections, it is worth considering for a moment that not all internet service providers are created equal. For many years now there have been internet services offered that vary widely in price and subsequently in service.


9 easy ways your business can reduce printing costs

Most small to medium-sized businesses would agree printing devices play an essential role in the way their organisation operates. This is despite the often high costs of owning and operating a printer can have, an exceptionally high concern to smaller businesses. Well, it turns out many companies are spending more than they need to on printing…


Business communications – why Wi-Fi is important

Here at Techwell, we believe in today’s digital age Wi-Fi is an essential form of business communication. Not only is Wi-Fi advantageous for you and your customers but it will also assist in increasing your brand awareness.


Your business and digital disruption – thriving in cyberspace

The Thriving in Cyberspace business breakfast held at The Hopewell Center featured guest speakers and experts in their fields, Dr Timo Dietrich and Russell Cook, who discussed digital disruption and what it means to businesses. They explained how technology is driving change, and aimed to inspire companies to embrace its enabling role in finding solutions…


Could leasing your mobile phone be the way to go?

Love having the latest phone? Then leasing with Telstra might be the way to go. By not taking ownership of the phone, you could pay up to $10 less per month compared to other handset and plan combinations. You also get to upgrade at any time after the first year, so long as you sign…


What is Toll Fraud and How To Prevent it

Toll fraud is real, with a loss of $US38.1 billion ($49.8 billion) in revenue due to communications fraud in 2015 alone. Like all technological scams, people commit toll fraud because it is a brilliantly irritating combination of anonymity, profitability, and scalability. The appeal of toll fraud means it is a severe concern for phone users,…


Ad On Mobile Is Changing the Small Business Marketing Space

Digital technologies have been transforming the way we connect with people all over the world for years, and the digital revolution is far from over. In recent times, new technology has created several opportunities and changed the way businesses can connect with their customers, informing and educating them along a path until they are ready…


Why You Should Rent Your Next Phone System

It is important to make several considerations when replacing or upgrading business phone systems. The number one issue (especially for small to medium-sized businesses) is how they will fit the new technology into their budget. Apart from being a significant upfront expense, buying a phone system is also a huge commitment which doesn’t allow for…


Is Your Business Ready for the National Broadband Network (NBN)?

The NBN network is currently replacing most existing landlines that service Australia’s phone and internet networks. This is a part of an ongoing plan which was designed to upgrade the internet speeds of Australian businesses and individuals to be competitive on an international level, well into the future. This comes as a huge relief for…


Business Growth Isn’t All About The Size Of A Business

To a layperson, business growth is defined by the size of the business, i.e. how many sites and staff the company has. At Techwell however, we’re a little bit different. We believe that to define business growth, one must first determine their definition of success.


Businesses Need to Get Smarter When Investing in Tech

Shahid M Shahiduzzaman, Queensland University of Technology ; Marek Kowalkiewicz, Queensland University of Technology , and Rowena Barrett, Queensland University of Technology Business managers have a poor understanding of what technology to invest in and how to use it. Technology use alone doesn’t lead to growth in a business but simple technology focused on solving…


B1G1 – How to change the life of a Cambodian girl

A recent UNICEF study found 35% of the 15,000 prostitutes in Cambodia are children under the age of 16.


Google My Business is Free Digital Marketing!

3.5 billion average Google searches are made everyday by people who want instant answers. Whether it’s to confirm the actor in the movie on screen or to find the best local business for their needs, the searches are happening. It’s no wonder businesses that are online grow 40 per cent faster than those that aren’t.


How To Unsend an Email in Gmail and Outlook

We have all had that moment of fear, regret, anxiety and realisation; I replied all.


Our Tips for a Hassle Free Conversion to the NBN

It’s an exciting time for Australian internet lovers, as more and more fixed line services are being converted to the NBN. However, many people are finding that transitioning from digital (ISDN) services to NBN fixed services can be a long process that leaves them without internet for days. But fear not, it doesn’t need to…


Sizing up Australia’s Internet Speed With the NBN

A little while ago we shared a blog post which compared Australia’s internet speeds to the rest of the world. Plain and simply, they weren’t great before, and they are slow to improve. Australia is ranked 50th in the world for its average national internet connection speeds, lagging just behind the likes of France, Qatar,…


Digital Marketing Strategy – Your Website Is Your Shop Front

Having an up-to-date website is essential to any digital marketing strategy. Your online presence is your shop front. It needs to look good otherwise people will turn away just as if they were walking past an old run-down shop in the street.


Perfect Your Digital Marketing Strategy

At Techwell, we know discovering your ideal customers is the very first step towards perfecting your digital marketing strategy. Most businesses today know the importance of marketing in this new digital era, but too many are stuck in their old ways and are yet to make the transition.


Technical services – How to troubleshoot faults

From freezing to lagging, there’s normally a hiccup or two along the way when technology is involved. Roy Trenneman from the IT Crowd would tell you to turn it off and on again, but you’ve probably already tried that. We get that technical services aren’t everybody’s thing. That’s why we’ve put together this guide on…


4 Reasons Why Embracing New Tech Can Transform Your Business

We live in a world where a drone can deliver your latest online purchase, Google cars can drive themselves, and we are using 3D printers to create almost anything. We are digitally transforming at such a rapid rate that if you blink you’ll miss so much.


How To Manage Your Time Effectively

Every day presents a chance – a new opportunity to move your life forward towards your goals and dreams. Every day is also a chance to move in the opposite direction. So, which direction is your life heading? The answer lies in whether or not you are using your time effectively.


Is My Phone System Compatible With The NBN?

Have you recently received a call from a salesperson informing you that your phone system is not compatible with the new NBN network? Or that your current services will cease to exist once copper services have been cut off?


Effective Vs Efficient – World of Opportunity with Technology

Time is non-refundable and should be used with intention. As most of us spend eight out of a definite 24 hours a day at work, it is in the best interest of businesses and workers alike to utilise the limited time they are given. Sure, most of us are effective at what we do, but…


Staying Motivated in an Unmotivating Environment

Staying motivated in an unmotivating environment can feel impossible, but it’s not as hard as you think! These tips will help you keep on top of your game.


4 Easy Tips to Make Sure You Don’t Miss Important Work Calls

Every missed call is potentially a lost business opportunity. Whether you are running a business with a small phone system or a multiple line configuration, there are a few things you can do to make sure you don’t miss any important messages.


Bring Your Business into 2017

I recently met a millennial, named Mark, who had decided to step into the world of small business. He decided to buy a packaging business off a retiring baby-boomer. While the company had seen many profitable years, recent economic conditions and a failure to keep up with digital marketing trends resulted in the business being…


Powerful Tips on How to Deal With Unhappy Customers

Unfortunately, dissatisfied customers are all too familiar in any role involving customer service. There seems never to be enough time in the day to focus on the tasks at hand, let alone deal with a heated situation that isn’t necessarily your fault where you can’t directly help.


Why Your Old Website Design Is Losing You Business

First impressions count. We all know that.


6 benefits of using Facebook advertising

The way we market to our customers and potential customers is changing at a rapid rate. You may find that the traditional methods of advertising like radio, billboards and letterbox drops aren’t giving you the results you need. If this is the case it’s probably time to give Facebook advertising a go…. and just a…


How secure is your mobile phone?

It’s a common misconception that there are no security threats to mobiles.  However, you wouldn’t dare run your computer without a level of security right? Yet we don’t protect our mobile phones.  Why?


Our 5 key tips for renting, leasing and buying a new photocopier for your business

Renting or buying a photocopier can be a big decision for any business. Rentals pose a much smaller monthly outlay while an outright purchase involves letting go of a decent amount of capital.


What is the true value of a missed call in today’s business world?

As NEC’s Unified Communications Australian Channel Partner of the Year we know a thing or two to help.


Launch your business into the digital era

Einstein said the definition of insanity is to attempt the same task and expect different results.


Why training on your phone system is more important than the installation

We can install all the equipment in the world, but if you don`t know how to use it, it will cost you time and money, and won’t help you to provide the best service to your customers.


Convincing the Higher-Up’s to Spend the $$$!

When you’re not in a position of authority in a business, it can be hard to convince the person who is, to spend the funds that you can see are necessary.


Inside secrets for achieving the perfect workplace

Here’s a little challenge for you. Picture yourself in a stereotypical corporate office scene in any Hollywood movie, like the one in the start of The Matrix. Envision the chin height beige dividers, hear relentless touch typing, the drone of muffled conversations, interrupted only by the occasional phone ringing. You can breath in the thick,…


Exceptional customer service tips from the best in the business.

Take it from Stuart, who has an incredible NPS score of 82% My name is Stuart Glasspole and I work for the Techwell Inside sales team, I feel we deliver exceptional customer service, and I feel  great personal pleasure when the outcome for my customers is achieved.


Why video content should be a major part of your marketing strategy

If you haven’t noticed the massive increase in video content advertising on social media you either haven’t yet gotten on the Facebook train or you could be living under a rock. With Google predicting that 95% of internet traffic in 2018 will come from video, it’s time for small businesses to get serious about creating…


How to change the world one business transaction at a time

Firstly, I want to start this blog by sharing a wonderful experience at work last week. It was the kind of experience that doesn’t often happen to many individuals working for a big company.


The top 5 accounts you need to start following on Twitter today!

At Techwell, we like to take inspiration from everywhere we can. We don’t just rely on strictly business platforms to learn and be entertained. We’ve compiled a list of Twitter accounts that are, without a doubt, worth the follow.


Telstra’s Fixed Line Terminology Explained

With our ever changing world, there are terms thrown around that not everyone understands. PSTN, ISDN, NBN, FTTP, FTTN and so on. This blog will help explain some of these terms and debunk the confusion associated with them. 


Making Technology Work For You

Replacing an ageing phone system with the latest technology can help your business simplify and streamline many operations in the office. The feature rich NEC phone systems can give your business access to features that may not have been available in your old phone system. The following is some of the time and cost saving…


7 Secrets to Outstanding Customer Service

Ok, I lied, they’re not secrets, but they are foreign concepts to many. Tom O’Toole said it, and said it best.


Everything you need to know to get ready for the NBN

While many Australians have heard the term NBN we often find that there are so many unanswered questions for small to medium-sized businesses. Do you understand what a move to the NBN means for you? If you don’t, read on and I will try and help you and your business transition without being overwhelmed.


Our techs are the best in the business, and here’s why!

Australian businesses have adapted to changes in technology at a rapid rate within the past 3 years. That being the case you can understand why these businesses rely heavily on support from reputable suppliers. 


My top tips for successfully working from home

Being a Mum, the ability to work from home regularly is a must. Finding the right balance between school drop offs, appointments and actually even getting to work some mornings is a challenge that many parents face. With 1 in 3 Australians working from home in some capacity it really has become a preferred way…


Invest in tech today to grow your business tomorrow

Technology is one of the things in life that we have always loved to hate, but it is fast becoming a necessity for day to day business life. Whether it be getting emails/voicemail while out of the office, or being reachable while you’re on the road, technology is becoming an integral role in our lives.


If content is King, video is the Emperor

In today’s technological environment content is king. Here at Techwell we always discuss digital videos when talking to our customers. With over 70% of the world’s internet traffic being video it’s time you understood what videos can do for your business.


How does Australia’s internet compare to the rest of the world?

The quick black and white answer to this is simply not great. Through an Akamai report from December 2016, Australia’s internet was ranked 50th in the world and our average internet speed is 9.6mbps. Note that I do say, ‘average’ speed.


5 Easy Ways to Show your Employees you Care

Retaining good staff can be hard for small to medium sized businesses. I’m sure we have all worked for an employer we didn’t like, someone who micro-managed us or a boss who gave us no motivation to want to get out of bed in the morning.


Top 5 tips for saving on unnecessary business costs

Are you a small business owner that would love a bit of extra cash in your back pocket? What if you could save on some unnecessary costs in the office, and have that bit of extra money to put into spending time with what is most important… your family.


Perception Vs Reality – Tips for representing your brand in the digital space

Dale Stonelake, Business Development Manager discusses the importance of your digital marketing being a true reflection of your business.


How does the future for tech look beyond 2017?

  Whether you’re a Baby Boomer, Generation X or a Millennial, at some point or another you should have come across the great Australian TV show Beyond 2000, or it’s predecessor Beyond Tomorrow.


How NBN can improve your bottom line and increase office efficiencies.

  In today’s world improving your bottom line and increasing office efficiencies can be as easy as a change to the NBN. Yes, you have read correctly. Our Business Development and Innovation team are experts in building an effective workplace utilising the most recent technologies. Here are the top 5 reasons why a change to…


How can you turn your customers into raving fans?

Giving 105% to my customers My Name is Dave Kirk, I was born in Canada, and moved to Australia on 6th of April 1987, the same day Sugar Ray Leonard and Marvin Haggler had their world title fight. I’ve had the pleasure of working in sales and customer service for the past 30 years in…


Digital Marketing – Your Secret Weapon In 2017!

Digital marketing is an umbrella term for all of your online marketing efforts. Businesses leverage digital channels such as Google search, social media, email, and their websites to connect with their current and prospective customers. With people spending double the amount of time on the internet than they did 12 years ago, there’s no doubting…


Tech tips to keep your business running

When your business phones aren’t working, do you know what to do? It’s extremely important that you do, you could be losing valuable business calls. Enter Dane Lebrocque – Techwell’s Level 2 Support Technician.


Digital Marketing – your secret weapon!!

Rhiannon Brown, Digital Marketing Specialist has some hot tips and tricks for where to start with a digital marketing strategy.


Webinar like a pro with these top tips!

Webinars have been around for years, but recently everywhere I look organisations are offering webinars to their potential and existing customers. With marketing teams advocating this medium as a way to entice leads and grow business it’s absolutely time for all small to medium businesses to jump on the webinar train.

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