5 Easy Ways to Show your Employees you Care

Retaining good staff can be hard for small to medium sized businesses. I’m sure we have all worked for an employer we didn’t like, someone who micro-managed us or a boss who gave us no motivation to want to get out of bed in the morning.
In a day where staff know they deserve more and want all the perks and benefits, how do business owners retain their staff, and not risk losing them to large corporations that can offer them more?
Richard Branson once said “take care of your employees and they will take care of your customers” and he could not be any more right. So how do you take care of your team to ensure you don’t lose top talent? Here are my top tips for genuinely looking after your staff.
Be real with them
If your staff ask you for feedback, give it to them in a constructive way. Transparency is usually accompanied by a few uncomfortable conversations, but those discussions prove you care enough to deliver the hard truth. Honesty (when delivered correctly) means a lot to employees. As a bonus, that truthful and transparent feedback will also help you see better results.
Relate to them
If you sense an employee’s having a problem, think about what you have gone through and share what you did to overcome the issue. As a leader, employees sometimes place you on a pedestal, but putting yourself on their level by showing your own vulnerability and imperfections helps them overcome their challenges. We are all human beings after all.
Give them the tools they need
Employees appreciate it when they are given the right tools for the job. You can’t expect your staff to meet deadlines while trying to work on an internet connection that doesn’t support them. There are so many advances in tech these days that help staff do a better job in a shorter time. Techwell are experts at keeping your office running smoothly and in turn creating happy employees.
Notice the little things
Whether it’s an encouraging email when the team has a small win, or noticing when someone just doesn’t ‘seem themselves’, picking up on the smaller things really resonates with your employees. You don’t have to go over the top, just be encouraging and let them know you are there if they need you.
Do something different
The perks and benefits offered to staff these days are incredible. Yes, some of these organisations have massive budgets, but even budget-friendly options are a great way of giving back to your staff. A drink on a Friday afternoon, a game of basketball over lunch, weekly in-office yoga classes or fresh fruit Wednesdays are all something teams would really appreciate.
It really is the little things that help staff enjoy their workplace and give them a reason to get out of bed in the morning. Once you have your staff sorted, you can look at our tips on turning customers into raving fans.